One of the only -- if not THE only -- FREE 32-bit Windows screen savers for displaying a collection of pic files (.jpg, .gif, .bmp)!
QuicPics Screen Saver requires the Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 runtime file of 7/97 or later to function, which is named msvbvm50.dll and should exist in the Windows System folder. Also required is an updated oleaut32.dll file to support msvbvm50.dll. If you need these files, then you can download them from my site:
Run msvb5run.exe to install the files, and reboot if asked (or else!).
In order to support viewing of .jpg and .gif files, the file named asycfilt.dll must exist in the Windows System folder. This file is included in msvb5run.exe above, and it is also installed by MSIE 4 among other things. If you do not have asycfilt.dll but do already have the VB5 runtime, then you can download just asycfilt.dll from my site:
Extract the asycfilt.dll file and place it in your Windows System folder.
QuicPics Screen Saver is a standard Windows screen saver, so I will not be refreshing your memory here about how to install and use it. :) Well, OK, in a nutshell then: Copy the .scr file to your Windows or Windows System folder (doesn't really matter), then select the "QuicPics Screen Saver" choice in the Display Properties dialog / Screen Saver tab, and then click the Settings button to configure the screen saver to your liking. You can also right-click on the .scr file or a shortcut to it for run commands.
- Due to a bug in the development system's support of .gif, you may not be able to view certain .gif files that use a rare format ("unexpected error" is reported).
- Due to a bug in the development system's support of .jpg, a solid color line may appear across the bottom row of pixels in .jpg images. This line would appear in the image when set as wallpaper as well.
- Due to the nature of Windows NT, QuicPics' keys will not be available and mouse movement will always stop the screen saver when Windows NT starts the screen saver after inactivity; however, QuicPics' keys and its mouse movement setting will work in Preview mode and when the screen saver is run directly.
- Untested with Windows NT 3.51. It should work fine, though, but it probably just does not disable the Desktop dialog when the Setup dialog is displayed.
- Apparently, QuicPics defeats the energy saving ("green") hard drive power-down feature if active on the computer. This is because QuicPics must read pic files from disk in order to display them. Support for use of the hard drive power-down feature may be added to a future version.
- QuicPics does not support the animation feature of animated .gif files. Support for this may be added to a future version.
The Dreaded Disclaimer of Warranty:
This software and the accompanying files are provided "as is" and without warranties as to performance of the software and the accompanying files or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. No warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The author shall not be held responsible in any way for whatever may result from your use of this software.